Monday, November 26, 2012

OZ Wave Championship - Wedge Island

This years Australian wave championships were held in Wedge Island. Along with my friend Daniel I was competing against other west australian riders in the open men category. We got lucky with the conditions for this event with waves ranging from 2-3ft and solid breeze around 20-25knots, side-shore direction.

The competition kicked off on Saturday and progressed to the open heats on Sunday. To get to the event you had to actually drive down the beach for 3km and every other competitor came in a 4x4. It was good to see all the other guys riding, their individual level and to compete against them. Finally a competition with left handed waves which allowed me to go frontside on all maneuvers with plenty of power.

I went for a few good heats and managed to keep up a good power and flow mix in my riding. In my last heat I caught a descent wave and managed to score the highest single wave score. Unfortunately my second wave wasn't as great which made me loose a few point and stopped me from climbing up the ladder. Still, the whole competition went well, camping and free riding with friends was great and I can't wait to go on the next trip. Feel free to follow me along the way!


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