We were hitting small lips the other day on a downwinder from Leighton (North Freemantle) to City Beach (Scarborough). The wind was strong and gusty as it was the tailend of a storm front passing through Perth. This was the first time I was using the linemount with the Gopro 2, triggered by the wifi remote.
I was not only impressed by the shots but by the performance of my Hadlow ID's. I knew from previous experiences that it was performing well in freestyle but trying it in strapless surf and with the wake-skate left a smile on my face. The ID Bar is able to change it's face from freestyle to surf by changing the large chicken loop for the smaller version.
Another thing I enjoy lately is the wake-skate. It's a fun board to ride, feels like skateboarding on water and opens up new possibilities and challenges. I am just doing basic airs, ollies and 180's right now, which I soon want to combine to unhooked backside 180's. I like the style of the trick, unhooked and unstrapped which challenges me for a clean execution. I'll post back when I get one...
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